Thursday, November 4, 2010

I am thankful!!!

November is here and I love the beautiful Fall colors and especially Thanksgiving! I have so much to thank the Lord for!! This month, we celebrate two birthdays: Gabe, on the 12th - he will be a Teenager - 13!!! and Paxton, on the 22nd - she will be 11!! What a blessing they both are! I will write about each of them separately, but I do want to post a picture of them all.
This is my fam and I am very proud of each of them!

Friday, October 29, 2010

I'm back!!!!

It's been over a year since I posted here - I think it's time I "return" to blogging!! I thought this was "lost", but my daughter-in-love "found" it again for me! So now I will do my best to keep up once more...hopefully I will do better this time around - I have new pictures to add and much more to say, so will be back very very soon! Thanks for stopping by!