This is my goal for 2009!!! I am reading "The 4:8 Principle" in my devotions - a very good book by Tommy Newberry. He says that "no area of my life is untouched by my thoughts"....thus I need to
choose to become "intentional" in my thinking and strive to "think like God thinks" in order to live a more joy-filled life - as God intended!!!
So....I am going to take this slow and work on my thinking! First, I am going to "create a fresh start" - and that's what I'm doing here!!! That's why the background is so plain!!!! I tried to change the theme and lost everything!! My blogging knowledge is at kindergarten level right now!! I need help from my Granddaughter Abby!!
This week I am determining to "celebrate God all day, every day - revel in Him!"
I am going to try not to "fret or worry" but instead - pray!!!! "Let petitions and praises shape my worries into prayers....letting God know my concerns"! That isn't easy for me, but I know I can do it....with Jesus' help!
I need to fill my mind and meditate on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious--the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not the things to curse." Phil 4:8 (from The Message)
So that's where I am "at" this week!!! If I can organize my time and my thoughts, I might even be able to post here on a regular basis!!! That's my goal anyway! What's yours??? Want to join me??? What can we lose?....better yet - what will we gain????!!!!!